Jonathan (JT) Thomas

Jonathan joined Laurel's staff to work with the middle and high school students in March 2012 and had the honor of serving the best teens in the world for over nine years. He has worked with students in ministry since 1996 and has served teens in Tennessee, West Virginia, Florida, Mississippi, and Ohio. That experience includes youth ministry, school teaching & chaplaincy, and coaching soccer & baseball.

Jonathan shifted his ministry focus from students to Connections Ministry May 1, 2021. As the Connections Minister, Jonathan focuses on three areas of growth at Laurel - communications, first impressions, and involvement. His passion for seeing people find their fulfillment in Christ’s church along with his God-developed organizational skills have made him a natural fit for this new, exciting role at Laurel.

Jonathan married Jana Poyet, the woman of his dreams, in May 2002. They have been blessed with three wonderful children: Brooks, Jacey, and Elli. The Thomas family loves living in Knoxville and being a part of the Laurel church family.

Jonathan enjoys playing and watching sports, reading, exercising, hiking, being on the lake, and taking on DIY projects. Nothing is more thrilling to him than seeing people give their lives to Christ and find ways to live out their faith.

If you want to discover a way to use your talents as a part of the church body, Jonathan will help connect you with a ministry in which you can do your part. Feel free to fill out a Connections Form here: or contact Jonathan today to set up a time to meet and dream about your future at Laurel. 
