LYF Update

March Recap

Due to Spring Break, March is usually a less eventful month for LYF, but we still had a lot of great things happening! This past Wednesday we were able to assemble close to 100 homeless care packages. Make sure and grab one of these from the lobby so that you can give them out as needed. We also had tons of fun at our guy/girl sleepovers. Big thanks to the White’s and the Thomas’s for hosting. My personal ministry highlight from March was being able to plug our three new Christians into our mentor/discipleship program. Every newly baptized believer in LYF is paired with a mentor for the first year of their walk with the Lord. The new Christian and their mentor spend a year practicing 12 different spiritual disciplines together. Big thanks to Hannah Durham, Missy Clark, and Jennifer Ray for agreeing to be mentors to our new sisters in Christ:Elli Thomas, Ireland Gibbons, and Ava Bailey. Be in prayer for them as they learn to practice the way of Jesus.

April Dates


  • 4/3: LYFT (Normal Youth Group)

  • 4/10: Bingo Night

  • 4/17: 4 for 30

  • 4/24: Student Led Wednesday

4/5-7 - Spring Retreat: Meet at Laurel at 4:30pm. Packing to be sent out shortly. We’ll be back Sunday around the time late worship is letting out.

4/14 - Jesus Practice @the Bauguess’s: 5:30-8:00. Dinner, Fellowship, continuing to learn about the practice of prayer.

4/21: Jesus Practice Host TBD: 5:30-8:00. Dinner, Fellowship, continuing to learn about the practice of prayer.

4/26: One Awesome Celebration: A Party, hosted by LYF, for Laurel’s 4th and 5th Graders. 6pm-9pm. Pizza dinner is provided.

4/28: Parent Meeting: Immediately after the late worship service. Going to start doing these a few times a year to make sure everyone is kept in the loop and aware of all LYF is doing, why we’re doing it, and how you all can help.

Save these Dates!

  • 5/24-27: Camp LYF

  • 6/14-17: Impact Junior (6-8 Graders)

  • 6/17-22: Impact Senior (9-12 Graders)


Registration Links


Spring Retreat